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15-25 October 2022
XYZ Contemporary Art Exhibition
Parkson, Vientiane - LAO PDR

The XYZ Contemporary Art Exhibition 2022, for this art exhibition, the goal is to promote the artists who live in Laos to play a prominent role and contribute to the economic and social development.
â—‹ Painting
â—‹ Photography
â—‹ Textile
â—‹ Installation Art

16-22 December 2020
Vientiane Center, Vientiane - LAO PDR

See the project on Facebook: @LCPE2020

SEPTEMBER 24, 2020-JANUARY 31, 2021
1.5 Southern Asian Diaspora Remix
Minnesota Museum of American Art, USA


The Southeast Asian Diaspora Project (SEAD) in partnership with Minnesota Museum of American Art (the M) is proud to present 1.5: A Southeast Asian Diaspora Remix. The exhibition will showcase work by Southeast Asian diaspora artists. As part of reimagining the 45th anniversary of the diaspora, SEAD has gathered stories from the community and worked with artists to respond to stories with visual artworks.

Featured artists are based in the Twin Cities, nationally, and internationally, and include Kat Eng, Van Hai, Sisavanh Houghton, and Chantala Kommanivanh, with additional works by Xee Reiter, Leyen Trang, and Christina Vang. The exhibition will also include works created in collaboration between artists and SEAD. 1.5 is a sense of feeling, concept, truth, and tunnel. It’s a reflection of the unspoken boundaries in the past, present and future for the Southeast Asian diaspora. 1.5 describes those who arrived on American soil under the age of 12, their complex and complicated displacement, and the fragments of their memories and dreams by a handful of selected artists who are either 1.5 or their descendents. The exhibit will be a compelling and complex take on the Southeast Asian diaspora experience; which is fraught with fragments of memories straddling in the grey area between these worlds.

Curated by SEAD Project Founder and Executive Director Chanida Phaengdara Potter in collaboration with the M’s Curator of Exhibitions Laura Joseph and Curatorial Assistant Mia Laufer, 1.5 will include art across media, including painting, sculpture, video, and interactive installation. A zine written by SEAD and community partners will accompany the exhibition.

September 06, 2020

6+9=8 Beyond Infinitive

@Mandala Boutique Hotel, Vientiane - Lao PDR

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